According toThe Zebra, an insurance information gathering & comparison site,
In 2015, 391,000 people were injured due to distracted driving (Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin.)
In 2016, almost four thousand people were killed due to the actions of a distracted driver.
In 2017, the use of a cell phone while driving caused an estimated 1.5 million car crashes in the U.S.
In 2018, 400,000 people were injured and 2,800 people died in distracted driving motor vehicle accidents. (NHTSA)
In 2018 due to cell phone use and electronic device use, 4,637 people died in car crashes.
In 2018 2,121 people were killed in crashes that involved a teen driver between the ages of 15 and 18. Each year about 1,600 children are killed by distracted drivers and people texting while driving.
In 2019, 3100+ people were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes because they used a cellphone while driving.
In 2021, According to the CDC, approximately 1.35 million people are killed in fatal crashes each year(worldwide). On average, that’s about 3,700 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled.
Approximately 660,000 drivers attempt to use their phones while driving. (NHTSA)
Drivers who text while operating a vehicle are 23 times more likely to become involved in a car accident. (FCC)
Cell phone usage reduces a driver’s attention by as much as 37%. (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute)
Taking your eyes off the road for only an instant increases the chance of an auto accident by 400%! (Nat’l Safety Council)
More than 3,000 teens die each year in crashes that involve texting and driving.
We all think we have superpowers –we’re invincible aren’t we? — “Dangerous? Maybe for you, but I’m indestructible!” Today’s youth NEED to be where the action is, cannot sit quietly, need to be amused, enchanted, occupied . . . in short, distracted.
A Tragic example: byline Michael Inbar on Today on 3/5 2012
Bright, outgoing college teen Taylor Sauer proved in the last minutes of her life she knew right from wrong — but still committed a fatal mistake. Sauer was making a late-night, four-hour drive from the Utah State University campus in Logan to visit her folks in Caldwell, Idaho. She passed the time along I-84 messaging a pal on Facebook about the Denver Broncos. But she stopped short, writing in her final missive, “I can’t discuss this now. Driving and facebooking is not safe! Haha.”
Moments later, Sauer, going more than 80 mph, slammed into a tanker truck that was slowly creeping up a hill at 15 mph. She was killed instantly; investigators saw no signs that she applied the brakes before the fatal crash. And in checking her cell phone records, they learned Sauer was posting about every 90 seconds during her drive.
“I think she was probably (texting) to stay awake, she was probably tired,” Taylor’s dad, Clay Sauer, told Ann Curry on TODAY Monday. “But that’s not a reason to do it, and the kids think they’re invincible. To them, (texting) is not distracting, they’re so proficient at texting, that they don’t feel it’s distracted driving.” SUCH A TRAGEDY!
Do I have an Opinion? You Bet! I have a few! One Cell phone-caused accident is one too many, let alone a death!
Look at the numbers above!
Society has gone too far for parents to forbid their young drivers from taking a cell phone with them on an evening out, BUT HERE’S AN IDEA:
Your Cell Phone goes in the purse, the glove compartment, the trunk! If you’re alone, {and by, extention, if your youngster is alone} the phone STAYS THERE unless or until you pull over to the curb!
Driving with two or more in vehicle: person behind wheel is automatically the designated driver, his phone remains unused — no talking, no texting.
First distraction infraction (cell phone, facebook, etc.) a fitting punishment— don’t let tears soften the blow. (Suggest DRIVING PRIVILEGE IS RESCINDED FOR TWO WEEKS.)
You love your children — so protect them — really protect them — from themselves and those around them when they climb behind the wheel of a vehicle capable of going through bedroom walls, cinder block storefront walls, crushing like machines into unidentifiable wreckage.
So My Opinion: Law regarding vehicular use and misuse is far too lenient.
1. Fines should be at least quadrupled
2. Vehicle Confiscation and Jail should be on the table for repeat offenders.
3. Hit and Run offenders should face mandatory 5 year jail sentence. If the offence involves a death — 15 years.
4. Parents should be a part of the equation when juvenile offenders are involved
THAT is One Man’s Opinion.
No amount of money can replace your loved one(s)
If you have an opinion I’d like to read it . . . your thoughts are important . Take the time, share it. — go to the CONTACT page, fill in your name, your e-mail, and your comment. If I think your writing adds to the conversation, I’ll try to share it. No promises — My site, My rules.
Let’s talk about professional sports — specifically football (U.S.), (though it could be Baseball, Basketball, Hockey or Soccer) and even more specifically, the wages of players.
There is a group of around 80-85 young men, average age 22, who received a starting salary of $610,000 last year. This year they will get a bump to $675,000, and next year, 2023, they’ll hold their hands out and pick up checks for a whopping total of $850,000 — guaranteed! For what, you ask? Very probably watching football games from the sidelines. And get this: for only 18 weeks out of 52 in the year . . . and for only 1 day per week for 17 of those 18 weeks! (Plus, watching some movies, attending lectures, exercising and sitting in a steam room a few hours per week).
These are the rookies who make one of 32 National Football teams. Just the rookies!
It all starts with about seven or eight newbies arriving at each training camp sometime in July. They work out for perhaps, four hours per day, 6 days per week for 2 weeks. They are paid minimally a per diem “wage”, totally $850 per week.
Then, if the coaches deem them as “possibles”, they continue on to preseason (this year that date will be August 4th) — the entire team–starting at 90 strong, then reducing the roster until season start ( September 8th in 2022).
During preseason games the roster is cut from 90 to 80 after the 2nd game, then down to 53 by August 31st. During preseason a newbie is given a minimum of $9,200 per month.
So, let’s see . . . that’s :
2 weeks training camp: $1,700.00 (22 days) + 2 months preseason games: $18,400.00 (48 days) + 18 weeks (17 days) regular season: $675,000.00 (17 days) ± So all totaled, these young men of around 22 “earn” . . . from Mid-July — Jan 1, 2023 a whopping total of $695,100.00 (AND chances are he won’t play a minute)
Of course, veteran players are paid much more. Usually from $4 million to $50 million per year with multi year contracts …
eg: 1) Aaron Rodgers (QB), Green Bay Packers – $50.2 million/yr for 3 years 2) Deshaun Watson (QB), Cleveland Browns – $46 million./yr for 4 years … 3) Patrick Mahomes (QB), Kansas City Chiefs – $45 million./yr for 10 years 4) Josh Allen (QB), Buffalo Bills – $43 million/yr for 7 years. …
Remember there are 32 teams, each with a 53-man roster. That’s 1696 players ± . . . We’re talking big bucks! Are these young men responsible? NO! They, like every 22 year, old look for grandeur, the kids in the old neighborhood worship them, want to follow in their footsteps, owners want to win at all costs… so, while agents scramble to procure record contracts, management appeals for higher ticket prices and push the ceiling higher and higher – – so the fans ( you and I ) ultimately pay.
The average family-of-four costs to attend an NFL game was $568.18 — 88% higher than the 2019 prices. The Raiders home game was highest at $778.56, which included four tickets, two draft beers, four soft drinks, four hot dogs, two ball caps and parking.Then comes the New England Patriots, where the family-of-four cost was $669.28. 1% of your annual income gone in 3 hours just to bow down to your heroes / gods. <><><><><><><><><>
Now, here are a few stats to consider: According to the latest U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, The average individual income in 2021 in the United States was $63,214 ± In 2021 The national median family income (U.S.) was $79,900 ±
Now here are a few more stats to consider: Again, according to the latest U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Median wage nationally for a police officer in 2021 was $66,020. Median wage nationally for a firefighter in 2021 was $50,700. Median wage nationally for a paramedic in 2021 was $36,900.
Folks, these are the REAL heroes — they run into burning buildings to save grandmothers and infants, pull drivers out of crushed vehicles, race injured people to hospitals, stop dangerous drug/alcohol-impaired drivers, track down and bring to justice kidnappers, murderers, hit and run drivers, gun-wielding thugs, on and on. And they work 24/7 as required, year round.
Think of it! — Sally “Jane Doe” Jones — maybe 35 years of age, been with the department around 8 years — making $66,000.00 /year — 24/7 as needed — putting her life on the line for you!
Now, compare that with Joe “draft pick” Rookie — 22 years of age, been with the team 7 months, warming a seat 3 hours/week on the 50 yard line — for most or all of 17 weeks, and picks up a check for $675-$700,000.00 /year — almost 3/4 of a million dollars!
Any thoughts come to mind? Like Odious? Outrageous? Indecent? Disgusting? My opinion: put a freeze on this nonsense! Put A Cap on signing bonuses, on agent negotiations, on parking, on everything having to do with pro sports!
To you parents and fans: boycott live attendance! Sit home, pop some popcorn, watch the game on TV — or better yet, take your family to a park and play a game of flag football with them!
That’s one man’s opinion I know it will continue to escalate — greed is too strong — ahhh, well, scripture tells us it’s all vanity and striving after wind.
This is my first blog since “re-upping” my website; I hope my thoughts coincide with yours, but more, and especially if not, I trust they’ll provide salient fodder for you to contact me with your position — the “whys and wherefores” of your thoughts.
The topics are endless . . . you may have one or two . . . I ask only this: keep your responses G or PG . . . we can agree or disagree amicably. Oh! and please , suggested topics should be of macro as opposed to micro in scope. e.g, a statewide situation as opposed to a problem exclusively affecting Gardena, CA or Tenstrike, MN. — so, we’ll start with an easy one: Let’s get it out of the way.
So, without further ado . . . but, ahhh, Where to begin . . .
Question: What do you think about the Oscars ‘slap heard round the world’?
My opinion: Who gives a rodent’s behind? [see what I mean? . . . PG]
I do, however, think there’s something that is overlooked by most media and onlookers alike, and that’s the profanity used — and the “anger”, which, looking back, seemed contrived.
So, short and sweet: That’s One Man’s Opinion.
The Opinionated Old Man
Seems the media zeros in on some Hollywood type or sports figure and all else is on page 34 — for days on end. Sure, mention the whack in your Oscars revue, then go on to something worthy of my, and other viewers’ time . . . and, please! . . . another Hollywood butt lift or boob job doesn’t cut it.
Your thoughts are Important. Go to the CONTACT page, fill in your name, your e-mail and share them with me. I may include them. No promises — my site, my rules